Hi! I am Sasha and I am a family photographer from New Jersey.

One of many questions that my clients have “Why do you schedule outdoor sessions before sunset?”.

Let me explain it.

When I first started photographing people outside I didn’t understand why my pictures are so contrasty and have so many shadows and why there are weird spots on my clients faces.

After experimenting with different times of the day, I realized that those weird spots and shadows are caused by the sun! Quickly I changed all the bookings to a later time and bam! my pictures came out so much better! Picking the right time for your photos is so important.

You want that warm soft light around you, running through your hair, hugging you, making the whole picture look magical.

I put a lot of work into planning your session. From thinking about colors for your wardrobe to a location to other small details so your session is as easy for you as it can get. Weather matters too of course. If it is rainy we reschedule. If it is cloudy we schedule it for earlier time that day so if you schedule your session for let say 7 pm in summer you have to have the whole day free otherwise we would have to pick another day.

While summer is hot and you worry about sweating and being hot, summer sunsets are so worth it! That is another reason I schedule your session right before sunset. It gets cooler!

Just look at these sweet faces.

I hope I explained why I pick time right before sunset. You can also go to the ‘Family gallery’ https://sashaweberphotography.com/galleryfamily-2 to see more of my work.

Let’s connect and talk about that perfect session you wanted to book forever!

Here is my website www.sashaweberphotography.com Feel free to reach out!

Your favorite New Jersey family photographer ,


Family, Newborn

June 1, 2022

New Jersey family photographer

New Jersey family photographer

I saw a mommy looking for a newborn photographer on Facebook for her baby. I gave her a link to my website.

She emailed me right away and said she loved my work. She wanted me to take pictures of her little boy.

We decided we were going to do a session the very next day. I had to come up with set ups very quick. I love this part as much as i love photographing my little clients.

Since it was winter in New Jersey the mom wanted me to come to their house. I brought all my props to the session.

Baby Jack was already 1 month old and at this age it gets hard taking pictures of babies. They start moving a lot, they sleep less and they are not so flexible for some of the newborn poses.

Jack was awake pretty much for the whole session but I did manage to rock him to sleep and take those precious newborn photos.

The mom was very happy with my skills of handling and photographing her baby boy.

If you are looking to hire a newborn photographer, please, do not wait till your baby is born and schedule a session earlier.

Here is a link to contact me. www.sashaweberphotography.com/contact


September 14, 2020

Newborn photographer in Morris County,NJ

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